
At PACT, every human deserves a nurturing and supportive environment. We are seeking compassionate individuals who are dedicated to make a positive impact on the lives of individuals with special needs. While prior experience in caregiving or working with autistic person is an added advantage, we value a willingness to learn, empathy, patience, and a genuine passion for helping others.


Infrastructure Development

Support the completion of the residential space, ensuring adequate facilities that cater to the unique needs of individuals with special needs.

Therapeutic Programs

Contribute to the developing and implementing innovative therapeutic programs, providing residents with a support system.

Skill Enhancement

Collaborate on skill-building initiatives that equip individuals with ASD, Down Syndrome, CP, MR etc. with practical skills, fostering independence and self-confidence.

Awareness Campaigns

Join forces to raise awareness about autism and promote a more inclusive society, busting myths and fostering acceptance.

To explore partnership opportunities and discuss how your corporation can contribute, please get in touch with us by filling out the form attached below. Let’s build a future where every step counts, and every heart is embraced!


Partnering with PACT allows CSOs an opportunity to contribute to a transformative initiative that addresses the challenges faced by the families of differently abled. By joining forces with us, your organisation can make a tangible difference in the lives of those with special needs.

How to Get Involved?

If your organisation shares our passion for making a positive impact in the lives of individuals on various spectrum disorders, we invite you to contact us by filling out the form below. Together, we can explore potential areas of collaboration, leverage our collective expertise, and create a more robust support system for our community.

Support Our Cause

No one has ever become poor by giving

Help our organization by donating today! All donations go directly to making a difference for our cause.